Thursday, December 17, 2009

My life partner(s).

I have great friends. They are more than friends, they are life partners. I will talk about them now because they are cooler than I am and I am cooler than I was because they are my friends. I haven't known these friends for a very long time but what we lack in quantity we have more than made up for in quantity. My best friend that is a boy is named Ammon. He is a Super Hero. Captain Anozz. I know that sounds wrong. It isn't. He lives in Provo and I don't see him as much anymore but he is still my best friend. As my friends Mom described him he is the, " Tall, Dark, Handsome" one. I guess that makes me the short, homely, pasty one. Thats okay, look at the photo above. Forget about it.
I have a friend named Whitney who is my best friend that is a girl. She is a special friend. She is more than a friend. She is amazing. *Insert a heartwarming, just corny enough to be cute, phrase here* No, she really is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am sure I will talk about her more later.
Now, for the Trinnamans. I love all of them. They have adopted me into their family. I will post pictures of them later. I don't know what I would do with out my friends. They are all raising me. Do not think that I have not written as much about Gentri, Mckenna, Terry, . It is only because I just happened to write about Ammon and Whitney first, and have now run out of juice. I will be sure to write more about all of them at a later time.
They have put up with me and my shinnanigans. There have definately been some shinnanigans. I am, as you know, quite a handful at times. But despite that, and for some reason, they still love me. They are the best friends in the world.


Gentri said...

aw. we love you too tay!

Chablis said...

You're not short, homely, and pasty. You're mid-height, blond, and very handsome!

You should count yourself lucky and special because we, the Trinnaman family, don't just adopt anyone. :)